How to Overcome Procrastination

We have all been there. Whether it is something we really want to do or something that we are dreading, we end up putting it off...but why? Sometimes we put these tasks off for good reason (or so we think) and other times, we have no idea why we are avoiding it at all. Procrastination is something that comes up for some people infrequently and for others, it's a growing habit that gets in the way of productivity. According to Joseph Ferrari, a professor of psychology at DePaul University, about 1 in 5 people are chronic procrastinators.


Why do we procrastinate?

Sometimes it’s a general lack of motivation. While we want to make a change and we know we will enjoy the results of completing the task, we just don’t feel like starting today. There is a lack of motivation to push through that feeling. A perfect example is physical exercise. You know it’s good for you, you know you will feel great, you just can’t get started.

Sometimes it’s fear. You could be looking forward to getting your new business idea off the ground but you keep putting it off as you are afraid of failure and in doing so you self-sabotage your own success.

Sometimes this hill feels too big. You could also procrastinate if you anticipate doing something will be difficult, you're not sure where to get started and you're not sure you have the skills and ability to complete the task.

Sometimes there are better things to do. Opting for satisfaction in the now and putting off what you don't want to do. It is easy to procrastinate when there is something else on your agenda that you prefer to spend your time doing. There will always be tasks in life we have to do and clearly don’t want to do.

Take Note

Whether it's that new assignment from our boss, your administration work as an Entrepreneur, tidying your house, getting rid of stuff you don’t use or planning to move into a new home, there are many things in life we just simply wish we didn’t have to do.

It's important to take note of what you like to do and what you don’t like to do. This mental (or written) note will tell you a lot about the direction you want to move in. Ultimately, we want to do more that brings us happiness and less that brings us pain or struggle. In the case of an Entrepreneur, maybe it's time to hire that Bookkeeper or Virtual Assistant. Maybe you're in the wrong career, don't like your job and are procrastinating on all your work and need to make a change.

Other times, we simply can not avoid doing some things we don't enjoy and that's okay, it's part of being an adult and as adults we have responsibilities.

How to Stop Procrastinating?

Start small. If you want to make a change, like getting in shape, spend a few minutes throughout the day visualizing what you will look like 6 months from now if you stick with your new routine. Start with a small workout or even a daily walk. Notice how much better you feel that day and look at yourself in the mirror. Pay attention to even the smallest changes in your body. These steps help you gain the motivation to continue. If you need help with accountability and want to find ways to increase your motivation a Life Coach may be a good fit for you.

Little Tips

Whatever the task or activity you are undertaking…

  • Remind yourself why it is important that you complete the task

  • Visualize how you or the people around you will benefit

  • Realize that once you complete the task you have been dreading, you will no longer have to think about it and it will stop draining your mental and emotional resources.

  • Complete the task you want to do least at the beginning of your workday

  • Give it a try...if you feel you don’t have the skills or ability to complete a task, start with the first step. You may surprise yourself.

  • If you are really not up to the task, ask for help. Sometimes it's appropriate to say no and that's okay.

If you're ready to overcome procrastination, maximize your productivity and design your ideal life then send me a message to inquire about private 1-on-1 coaching.

Farewell, I look forward to hearing from you.

Ash Enns