Common Questions About Our Small Business Course

Answering your questions about our BC Small Business Course and the particulars of Eagle Point.

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+ Does Eagle Point work with organizations?

Absolutely, we want to give everyone a chance to elevate their business. Eagle Point partners with organizations so that businesses and groups can share the BC Small Business Course with their communities.

+ How do organizations get started if they want to collaborate with Eagle Point?

Send us a message on our website letting us know that you're interested in learning more about the course and a little bit about your organization. Eagle Point will respond to your message by email and send you a link to book your discovery call.

+ What is the purpose of the discovery call between Eagle Point and the interested organization?

We will discuss your organization’s unique needs and overall vision, exploring how the BC Small Business Course aligns and any customizations needed to suit your community members. Once we have determined your needs, we will provide a proposal of how we can work together.

+ How does Eagle Point typically work with organizations?

If the organization has a smaller community (under 50 students), we offer the course in bulk at a discounted rate. If the organization has a larger community they want to provide access to, we may use a licensing agreement.

+ Is Eagle Point able to offer additional support or course customizations to meet the needs of specific communities?

Yes, we will work with you to see what your needs are and will provide a quote for course customization, add-ons or extra support.


+ Why is this course so cheap?

At Eagle Point, we understand our clients' needs because we were once in the same boat, just starting out, with little disposable income and wanting to invest any available funds back into our business. We created a self-directed, self-paced course and removed the group coaching or group learning components so we can pass the savings directly to the consumer. We want to help you get off the ground, not put you into further debt before you even decide on your business name.

+ Does this course have a payment plan?

Yes, we have a payment plan! We want to make this as accessible as possible for all new business owners. Click here for pricing.


+ How many hours does it take to complete this course?

It takes 20-30 hours to work your way through the course content, depending how deep you want to dig in. There are optional exercises that will take additional time to complete, and on the other hand, you may choose to skip certain modules that don’t yet apply at this point in your business journey.

Utilizing these skills to start and grow your business? Well, those hours are limitless.

+ How long do I have access to this course content?

You have access to the course content for 3 years once you start the course.

We want to make sure you have plenty of time to get your business off the ground, expanding and implementing your early growth plans. You will likely come back to the course content many times in the early days and we recommend occasionally refreshing yourself with certain modules, as different strategies might apply to each new stage of your business.

+ Why is this course specific to BC?

Many aspects of this course are general to any province, such as Marketing, PR, and Sales. There are some aspects of small businesses, however, that are specific to the province you're starting in. We made this course niche so that people starting in BC have all of their questions answered, from legal considerations and start-up steps, to financing and provided resources.

+ Is this course certified by a recognized body?

No, it’s not. But if you're serious about becoming an entrepreneur, start thinking like one and throw your resume out the window. No more job searches, reference checks, creating resume portfolio packages and interview prep. This course is not for a fancy credential, it’s for YOU, and the credit will show in your business results.

+ How did you pick your expert contributors?

The course contributors were chosen for their expertise, education, years in the field and reputation. Strengthening our course even more, most of our contributors are small business owners themselves and all of them live or operate in BC.

+ Why did Eagle Point Coaching decide to create this course?

Ashton, the owner of Eagle Point, works as a Business and Life Coach helping clients start and grow businesses that fit their desired lifestyle. After working with many clients, Ashton realized that what they really needed was help with understanding the process of starting a business, and some general business advice from experts in the field. Ashton’s coaching programs cost thousands of dollars and most clients could get the same benefit, if not more, from a comprehensive business course. It was a solution to entrepreneurs spending money they simply did not have as they started out on their business journey.

+ Most online courses these days are delivered by the instructor in video format. Why did Eagle Point decide to put the content in slide format?

We did this because of the nature of the course; it is designed to easily refer back to as you start and grow your business. It is easy to navigate and keep all the information and resources you need at your fingertips. With video tutorials, you may need to take notes and it can be timely to go back and find that tidbit of information you needed. While this course does require you to read, you will be able to easily find and utilize everything in the course that applies to you.


+ Is this course applicable if I am starting my business in BC but will sell or expand across borders?

Yes, of course! There is specific information for companies starting in BC but the course content is applicable regardless of what markets you decide to expand into.

+ Can I take this course if I don't have a business idea yet or have not decided what business to start?

Absolutely! Even if you are trying to narrow a few business ideas down or you have a solid idea but haven’t nailed down a specific plan or vision, this course is for you.

You may find as you work through the course content that you get inspired or change ideas all together. Equipping yourself with the knowledge and business acumen to start a business will prepare you for the day you are ready to jump with both feet in.

+ This is a BC small business course. What is a small business?

A small business is defined as having less than 99 employees. Small businesses account for 98% of all businesses in BC.

+ I hope to become a medium to large business someday, is this course still applicable to me?

Of course! Whether you plan to be self-employed or take over the world, our BC Small Business Course is a great place to start.

+ Why is now a good time to take this course?

Maybe you found this website and this course, or maybe it found you. But if you’re reading this page, you’re having some serious thoughts about changing your life and starting a business. Like many worthwhile adventures in life, there will never be a perfect time to start a business. Do yourself a favor, and take that first step to actualizing your dream.

+ Is it a bad idea to start a business right now in economic uncertainty?

It is very understandable to hesitate on your business dreams when the economy is looking bleak. But this is the ideal time to slow down, be intentional and do it right. The BC Small Business Course can help with that! Use the slow times to educate yourself on everything you need to be a successful entrepreneur.

By taking the plunge now, you have the chance to get a business idea off the ground and established in the current market conditions. You will emerge stronger, more resilient and well-positioned for success in the eventual upswing.

+ Is this course applicable to any business type?

This is a comprehensive course and offers everything you need to know for any product or service based business. It is beneficial to have a breadth of knowledge when it comes to running a small business, as you may start out as a service business and then expand to sell a product, or vice versa. This course will equip you for whatever your future holds in the entrepreneurial arena.

+ If I am starting a business in a specific area like high-end jewelry, shouldn’t I take a business course specific to jewelry makers?

You definitely can, but it probably won’t be as comprehensive as this course. This course is not here to teach you how to sell jewelry. Our goal is to teach you how to run ANY business; how to market digitally, how to properly budget, how to create a brand that is as authentic and unique as you are. Our expert contributors are professionals who know their domains inside and out and serve all sorts of business customers in a variety of niches.

+ Why should I take a course before I start a business or implement my growth plans?

This course will save you money, time and stress. Many new business owners make mistakes that put their businesses at risk. With our Small Business Course, you will develop the business acumen you need and avoid many mistakes in the process.

You will save countless hours that would have been spent researching and gathering resources, as we have searched, vetted and provided all the resources that are trusted for BC businesses.

With this comprehensive course, you will not stress that you are missing something. Your questions will be answered, you will learn how to do a lot yourself as you start out and you will understand when to call in the experts and for what tasks.

+ Is this course applicable to people who have already launched their business but are still in the early stages (first 2-3 years)?

Yes, more than half of the course is focused on growth and covers what you need to know in the first 1-5 years. If you have already completed certain tasks or aspects of your business, you can skim over those sections and do deep dives into modules that apply to where you are today.

+ What are the benefits of taking a course online rather than in person?

In person training can be great as it allows you to connect with like-minded people. But it also tends to be more time consuming, inflexible, and expensive. Life is busy. This online course works for your schedule, your pace and your interests, as you can learn the modules in any order you like.

+ What’s my return on investment to take this course?

Your return on investment will depend on many factors such as what type of business you're starting and its potential upside, how diligently you complete the course and refer back to it as needed and how resilient and determined you are to make your entrepreneurial journey work for you. This course costs under $300 and will prepare you to start any or many businesses. It will also potentially save you thousands of dollars in mistakes you may have made without the expert advice in this course.

+ Do I need to complete the whole course? Some modules aren’t applicable to my business.

This course is meant to be learned in any way that works for you; if a module or section doesn’t apply, just skip it. The point of this course is for you to master and apply each aspect that pertains to your business. It is not meant to check a completion box, receive your certificate and file it away somewhere.

+ I am just starting my business, why is it a good idea to know how to grow my business right out the gate?

Every business and pace of growth is unique. We made this course to grow with you, which is why it is available for three years. This is an in-depth business course that gives you working knowledge you need to know to run a business.