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Vancouver Business Coaching

Eagle Point’s certified professional coaches will help you refocus your energy and increase your overall efficiency as a business owner, bringing your personal and professional goals into action.


Aligning Your Business

Running a business can make you stressed, overwhelmed, and overworked, leaving you foggy-brained with no work-life balance. Building a business requires you to wear many hats and getting pulled in many directions makes it easy to lose focus. An Eagle Point Coach will support you in staying accountable, overcoming challenges and quieting your inner critic, helping you grow as a business owner. 

Eagle Point Business Coaching is for people who have a small business and are ready to refocus, gain clarity and align their values. Learn how to stay targeted on your goals through every growth transition your business embraces.


Managing Your Business

Overwhelmed or stressed?

Is your to-do list growing faster than you can cross things off?

Have you quit writing down what’s left to be done?

Feeling overextended when there is too much to do and not enough time to do it can cause anxiety and lead to a loss of productivity.

It doesn’t have to be this way.

Working with an Eagle Point Business Coach, you will de-clutter your brain and refocus your energy. In our collaborative process, you will overcome challenges, calm your inner critic, get clarity on your priorities, and keep moving forward with your goals.


How Business Coaching Works

Growth and accountability.

As you develop your business and set new goals, an Eagle Point Business Coach will keep you on track to achieve your professional dreams. With weekly or bi-weekly meetings, we create actionable steps to develop and accomplish your overall business goals. At the beginning of each session, we will track progress by reflecting on what steps were achieved in the past weeks. Roadblocks are reviewed and overcome while time management is analyzed and organized. Each program is tailored to you and your business, giving you the power to be self accountable and grow your business in a way that feels authentic to you.

Learn More About the Coaching Process


From the Blog…


Entrepreneur Coach

It can be cumbersome to get started and hit the ground running with that great business idea; many people get stuck in the planning stage. You may find it hard to figure out how to balance your current job while you begin your entrepreneurial adventure, or how to make and time an exit strategy to leave your job. If you are feeling paralyzed or unsure how to make a transition, Eagle Point Coaching will structure a plan and help you come up with a thoughtful, intentional exit strategy to leave your job and make a smooth transition into entrepreneur life.

Explore Entrepreneur Coaching

How Does Business Coaching Help?

Time Management


Are you working at all hours and need to carve out some time for yourself? Working with a Business Coach, you will clarify what is important to do yourself and what jobs to outsource, as well as learn how to prioritize initiatives and manage your time. These changes will help you run your business effectively and live life on your terms.


Aligning Values


As you manage the day-to-day aspects of your business, you may realize that your business has fallen out of sync with your values. Working with a Coach will help you define a vision for your company and re-align it with your personal values. With this alignment, each day is a fresh step, not another day at the office.


Streamline & Focus


Starting a business requires you to take on many different roles and it can be difficult to know where to focus your energy. Professional Business Coaching has been proven to help with your personal and professional goals by focusing your energy and increasing your overall effectiveness and efficiency.